Used Amada Press Brake,Model RG 100 EX
Model RG 100 EX
Maximum Tonnage 110 Tons
Maximum Bending Length 120.28"
Maximum Stroke Length 3.937"
Open Height 14.57"
Throat Depth 15.75"
Distance Between Side Frames 100.39"
Ram Speed: Approach 1.8"/sec.
Bending .33"/sec.
Return Speed 1.38"/sec.
Electrical Requirements 10hp, 220/440/3/60
CNC Control NC9EX
Machine Weight 14,100
Designed specifically to enhance computer control.
Centralized controls provide quick, easy control of tonnage, bending depth and stroke length adjustment.
Fully adjustable two speed operation.
Strategic placement of the cylinders creates an ideal deflection curve, eliminating the need to shim precision tooling. Angular accuracy is constant over the full part length.
Roller guiding system eliminates all ram/guide freeplay and wear.
Tonnage limiter and gauge protect tooling and increase safety.
Exclusive handwheel depth control simplifies set-up and reduces scrap.
Sectionalized punch holders allow deep box forming and can create windows for long return flanges.
Smooth throttle action pedal increases operator control and safety.
Exclusive tool holders simplify procedures and reduce tooling set-up time.
NC9EX Amada 3 Axis CNC Control
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